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Today in History March 7th

March 7th is the 67th day in the Gregorian Calendar. In 1987, the Taiwanese military massacred 19 unarmed Vietnamese refugees at Donggang, Lieyu, Kinmen. This massacre is known as the Lieyu Massacre. The refugees were stranded in a boat on a beach southwest of Donggang, when the boat was hit by crossfire, three of the refugees exited the boat and pled for them not to shoot, but all three were shot dead. A search team was sent to inspect the boat and two hand grenades were tossed into the boat before the search team saw that all the passengers were all unarmed Vietnamese refugees. The surviving passengers and the dead were taken out of the boat and placed on the beach, no first aid nor life support was supplied. The commanders on scene were given orders to kill all eyewitnesses. Among the dead were elderly, men, women, a pregnant woman, children, and a baby.

Minister Cheng endorsed President Chiang's decree to lift the martial law, four months after the Lieyu massacre.

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